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Uncommon Opportunity: Lucrative rare-earth metal investment demystified

June 4, 2011

You may not have heard of rare-earth metals, but you're likely familiar with the technologies they make possible. Without them, your BlackBerry, iPhone, car, computer and just about any electronic gadget would not exist as they do today...continue reading

The Real Goods: Commodity investment not a simple endeavour

December 4, 2010 

As consumers, we all invest in some way in commodities. Be it gold, oil or soybeans, these are all items we buy and often use daily. Yet when it comes to buying these tangible assets as part of our investment portfolios, we often only own commodities indirectly...continue reading

Exercise your option: Think of this derivative as investment insurance

May 15, 2010

In the wild kingdom of investment, it seems derivatives are among the most fearsome of beasts. This species of finance, which includes credit default swaps and synthetic collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), is largely blamed for our Great Recession. But not all derivatives are necessarily risky and complex investments...continue reading

Hometown Heroes

January 16, 2010

Winnipeg investment adviser with Union Securities David Derwin says he began recommending San Gold when its share price was hovering at 30 cents about five years ago...continue reading

Survival Guide: Markets fail. You don't have to.

August 2009

We will present you with a few straightforward investment strategies that are essential to building a truly strong investment portfolio in up, down or sideways stock markets...continue reading


The Party's Over

December 2007/January 2008

We all know positions are not always marked-to-market, hedge books are not always hedged, proprietary black models don't always work, a AAA-rating is not really a AAA-rating, discount bids occur, greed overpowers fear, markets are not always efficient, and not all derivatives are benign...continue reading

High Flight

June/July, 2006

We initially forecast the strength in the C$ more than five years ago, when the loonie was still drowning near 65 cents...continue reading | see chart

The Ultimate Portfolio Diversification Revisited

August/September 2005

We continue to believe commodities are at the beginning of a very large, long-term move higher and still recommend allocating at least 20% of a portfolio to commodity-based investments...continue reading |

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  • Gold Prices Heading for a Motherload?

    November 28, 2003

    David Derwin said during a recent interview he wouldn't be surprised to see it soar to $1000 US an ounce during the next two to three years...continue reading |

    You Don't Need a PhD to Manage Risk

    December 2001/ January 2002

    If the S&P 500 continues to mirror the Nikkei 225, the S&P 500 could drop in value by 50%. And considering the high correlation between Canada and the TSE 300 Index would likely drop as well...continue reading

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